The Alconbury Weald Club Building

Aesthetics and time were key drivers for Ambivent Mechanical Services Ltd in their decision to select Gripple suspension systems for this project.

Gripple’s solutions helped us to reduce install times, which was particularly important given the challenging programme. By using Gripple we also reduced embodied carbon by 98%. We were given a detailed quotation enabling us to budget and estimate for this project during the tender stage, and to ensure we had no annoying shortages or costly and potentially wasteful oversupply. The Gripple technical team were on hand to visit site to train our installers and provide on-site testing. The team visited site several times and supplied detailed pull test and installation reports to ensure all the services were suspended safely. As always we look forward to working with Gripple on future projects.”
Mahul Patel, Contracts Director at Ambivent Mechanical Services Ltd.
  • Building Type: Commercial
  • Location: Aconbury Weald, Cambridgeshire
  • Contractor: Ambivent Mechanical Services Ltd
  • Services: HVAC

The Alconbury Weald Club Building is situated on the Alconbury Enterprise Campus which lies at the heart of the high quality low carbon development of Alconbury Weald. It offers flexible, bespoke business space for businesses from 250 to over 500,000 sq ft (12 – 46,450 sq m).

The Government-backed Enterprise Zone is supported by a team of partners locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. Aesthetics and time were key drivers for Ambivent Mechanical Services Ltd in their decision to select Gripple suspension systems for this project.

Gripple and Ambivent have worked together on numerous projects previously. Ambivent have used Gripple’s extensive free technical services such as co-ordination drawings reviews, pull tests and on-site training, on this occasion they requested a Sustainability Report from Gripple. The report detailed the potential reduction in emobied carbon if Gripple products were used instead of traditional methods such as threaded rod. The duct work was suspended using the purpose-made Duct Trapeze, which eliminates the need for channel support, and spreads the loads over three fixing points. The Duct Trapeze has a load rating of up to 45 kg, with a 5:1 safety factor. Using the Duct Trapeze as opposed to threaded rod and channel for this site reduced the weight by 95%. The client requested confirmation of the strength of the anchor and substrate. Gripple’s technical team conducted an on-site pull test and produced a full pull test report for Ambivent to submit to the client.

Tags: Building Services

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Why use Gripple?

  • Significant time and cost savings on your project
  • Complete, off-site solutions which minimise health and safety concerns
  • Innovative, patented solutions designed by an in-house team of engineers
  • Considerable reductions in packaging, vehicle movements & embodied CO2
  • A range of support services at every stage of your project, provided by our technical team