Our Journey To Climate Positive

Our Journey to Climate Positive

In November 2021, we published ‘Our Journey to Climate Positive’ which set out our commitment in three clear goals.

Our first goal is to achieve carbon neutral UK operations by the end of 2022, to be verified in our 2022 progress report (expected to be published May 2023).

Our second goal is to achieve carbon neutral global operations by the end of 2023, to be verified in our 2023 progress report (expected to be published May 2024).

Our third goal is to be net zero by 2030. By this we intend to have delivered all available carbon reduction opportunities, maximised on-site generation and balanced out any residual emissions in line with the 1.5˚ trajectory.



In November 2021, we published ‘Our Journey to Climate Positive’ which set out our commitment in three clear goals. Download our brochure below to find out more. 

In December 2022, we released our progress report below providing an update on our progress towards our commitments, focusing on our controlled emissions (scope 1 & 2). Our scope 3 emissions are currently being calculated and will be included within our 2022 progress report. 

If you would like any more information on Our Journey to Climate Positive, please contact our Sustainability Manager Tasha Lyth at sustainability@gripple.com