Custom Solution - Flexible Solar Panels, Dubai Mosque

Meaglesun, a Dubai-based solar installation company needed a solution to safely hang solar panels on the dome of the Mosque roof.

“Gripple offered an easy and comprehensive solution to a quite difficult installation with the least amount of time required.”
Umesh Mohankumar, Project Engineer, Meaglesun

Building Type: Mosque
Contractor: Meaglesun
Application: Solar
Services: Flexible Solar Panels


Meaglesun, a Dubai-based solar installation company needed a solution to safely hang solar panels on the
dome of the Mosque roof. A bespoke solution was required to maintain aesthetics and provide a safe, secure
installation - Gripple worked with Meaglesun to develop the following innovative solution.

Meaglesun, a premium Dubai based solar solutions provider, faced an unusual challenge with their prestigious
Dubai Mosque project. The requirement was to install solar panels on the dome of a mosque: this unusual requirement needed an alternative solution.

With previous experience with Gripple on their MEP projects, Meaglesun knew the flexibility of Gripple products and approached Gripple for a design solution for this unusual project. This complex installation was required by the Minister of Energy’s office; it was an essential requirement that this system be installed in such a way.

The main challenges came in creating a feasible way to safely secure the flexible solar panels to the dome,
without penetrating the delicate roof membrane. Gripple’s technical team designed a creative solution, developing a nested framework. This consisted of the main loop, that sat on top of the dome. From this nest, 30 vertical support wires were hung and fixed to 30 ballast blocks sitting at the base of the dome. Wires are then looped through the catenary brackets and fixed to the ballast blocks. Each wire was then tensioned using a Dynamic and Tensioning Tool. 4x horizontal wires were then installed, which would then support the flexible modules. These horizontal wires ran around the circumference of the dome and were secured using a cross-connector to the vertical wires. With no other solutions on the market, Gripple was the first choice for Meagelsun.


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Tags: Solar Solutions

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