Our Carbon Reduction Initiatives

Energy Savings / Waste Reduction / Incremental Gains


Carbon reduction is our primary focus

Our primary focus on our journey will be carbon reduction initiatives that will make up a minimum of 75% of the overall reduction required. We want to drive our contribution to a greener planet directly, and our behaviours and commitment to continuous improvement and global reduction projects will ensure we do this.

The benefits of a vertically integrated supply chain

Vertical integration of our supply chain is a fundamental part of our road map to net zero. Tooling, die-casting, manufacturing, automated machine build and packaging is all delivered in the UK, within our GLIDE group of businesses. This delivers a level of quality, sustainability, traceability and time certainty our competitors can’t match. It also means our reliance on air freight and shipment of materials and components from overseas is significantly reduced. We will drive more vertical integration with a combination of further domesticating the supply, and sustainably integrating the manufacturing of key components.

Opting for clean energy

Another key element of our carbon reduction activity will be a £1.5m investment in 4,500 solar panels in 2022, to deliver energy to all our global manufacturing sites. Our Riverside and Norfolk Bridge Works sites are currently generating solar power; we will broaden that commitment to ensure all of our seven sites across South Yorkshire are generating energy onsite.


Reduce - Some Examples:


Energy Savings

  • Decarbonisation of our fleet and transit vehicles
  • LED lighting
  • Increased on-site generation through solar PV
  • All purchased energy from renewable sources
  • Harness machine energy and heat


Waste reduction

  • 100% recycled plastic in products
  • Elimination of single use packaging
  • Increasing the recycled content of current packaging
  • Removal of printed product instructions and reduction of printed marketing collateral


Incremental gains

  • Driving efficiencies in our operations led by our
    dedicated continuous improvement team and
    driven by our employee owners
  • Product modifications and range rationalisation
  •  Introduction of environmental product declarations to help our customers understand the impact of our products



"Kaizen is a key part of the Gripple culture.
We use the Kaizen methodology to improve efficiency steadily and sustainably, as opposed to taking great leaps. Kaizen also indirectly improves cross-functional teamwork and morale by giving people direct responsibility for their place of work."

Tom Clayton, CI Team Leader