Dodge Street, Nebraska

The contractor was tasked with an electrical installation in a narrow space. The highlight of the project was the flexiblity and efficient use of space of that the Fast Trak system provided versus the traditional method.

  • Building Type: Commercial
  • Main Contractor: DNB Electrical
  • Building Structure: Concrete
  • Services: Electrical
“Over 10 times faster than traditional threaded rod and strut! ”
General Contractor

The contractor, DNB Electrical, was tasked with installing 3 1/2” conduit runs in a very narrow 4-story 1960s building that was 1/4 mile long and 70 feet wide with 800 linear feet hallways. The remodeling process resulted in a “battle of the trades” to find room in the minimal ceiling space to fit all of the necessary suspended services.

The challenge of small spaces made the Gripple Fast Trak® system the perfect solution for suspending conduit. The Fast Trak® system offered the speed, flexibility, and efficient use of space that the contractor needed.
Prior to this job, the contractor had no experience with Gripple products. They found that not only were the products easy to install but also very advantageous when it came to labor savings. The Fast Trak® system was a quicker alternative than installing with threaded rod and clamps, cutting installation time down in half.

  Gripple Solution Traditional Method
Overview Fast Trak 3/8 Threaded rod & strut 
Material Cost  $2,700 $2,000
Installation time  80 hours 160 hours
Labor rate  $75/hour $75/hr
Total labor cost $6,000 $12,000
TOTAL COST  $8,700 $14,000
Tags: Building Services

Why use Gripple?

  • Significant time and cost savings on your project
  • Complete, off-site solutions which minimise health and safety concerns
  • Innovative, patented solutions designed by an in-house team of engineers
  • Considerable reductions in packaging, vehicle movements & embodied CO2
  • A range of support services at every stage of your project, provided by our technical team