2021 Contractor Savings

By taking into account all construction products sold into the UK market in 2021, Gripple is able to present an accurate overall reduction in labour, material weight and embodied carbon saved by contractors using Gripple systems over traditional threaded rod and channel systems.

For more information on how Gripple products can help you meet build deadlines and sustainability targets on your next construction project please contact sustainability@gripple.com.

  Gripple Traditional Saving Saving %
Total Embodied Carbon 755,146 kg 4,353,204 kg 3,598,057 kg 82.7%
Total Material Weight 332,664 kg 1,917,711 kg 1,585,047 kg 82.7%
Total Labour Time 110,134 hours 427,545 hours 317,411 hours 74.2%


Embodied Carbon Savings

For every metre of Gripple wire rope specified to replace threaded rod, it is estimated that a saving of 1.2 kg of embodied CO2 is made. This equates to a total embodied CO2 saving of up to 95% when switching from threaded rod to Gripple wire rope.

Material Weight Savings

Gripple wire rope kits are ready-to-use straight from the box, removing the need for potentially hazardous hot works and cutting on site. One box of Standard No. 2 kits weighs just 8 kg, doing the same job as 150 kg of threaded rod and channel. Not only is the weight and bulk of carry material reduced, but also the time spent working at height.

Labour Savings

Save up to 85% on installation times when you choose to use one of Gripple’s wire rope kits, when compared to traditional methods. Not only is the installation faster, no pre-work, such as cutting or filing is required.

For more information on how Gripple products can help you meet build deadlines and sustainability targets

on your next construction project please contact our team today.


Pre-fabricated, trapeze bracket solution offering speed, flexibility and efficient use of space.

Why use Gripple?

  • Innovative, patented solutions designed by an in-house team of engineers
  • Considerable reductions in packaging, vehicle movements & embodied CO2
  • A range of support services at every stage of your project, provided by our technical team
  • Complete, off-site solutions which minimise health and safety concerns
  • Significant time and cost savings on your project